Monday, August 14, 2006

This certainly isn't my first blog, although it definitely is the first one since the coin "blog" was coined. When I was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon Univerity in the late 90s, I kept some journal entries on my Website, but soon discovered I really didn't have much to say that would be interesting to anyone else.

I'm still not sure about that, but I have a few things I want to write about.

First, I would like to blog some about the depression and attention deficit disorder I've suffered over my life time. Perhaps someone who is also suffering but doesn't quite understand what she is going through will find my thoughts helpful or reassuring.

Also, I want to talk about the white-winged doves who frequent my balcony here in San Antonio, TX. Surprised by their social behavior, I've done a little research on them but didn't find much in-depth about their feeding habits and rituals--at least on the Web. Maybe someone would find it interesting, or at least amusing.